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3. Impact

Impact : Assessment and monitoring

The impact of our English curriculum is measured through an assessment and monitoring cycle:

  • lesson observations, book monitoring and learning walks
  • Tracking pupil progress each half term in Reading, Punctuation and Grammar through formative and summative means using NFER and teacher assessment. This informs planning and any intervention needed. Any curriculum needs and progression is monitored and discussed by the English team
  • Skills progression in Writing and Grammar are assessed against the national curriculum objectives broken into year group assessment foci by Jane Consadine.
  • Tracking progress using FFT to compare our pupils against national benchmarks and to ensure the needs of different groups (including EAL, PP SEND) are being met.
  • Moderating pupils work in school for independent writing tasks to ensure consistency across the year groups and progression across the school. We also embark on moderation with other schools in cluster meetings.
  • Examining data from our accelerated reader program to give individualised targets.
  • Gathering pupil voice - the check understanding of key skills and knowledge and confidence in English.


The organisation of the English curriculum, has created a community of enthusiastic readers and writers who enjoy showcasing their developing literacy knowledge and skills. All aspects of English are an integral part of our whole curriculum and skills taught in the English lesson are transferred to other subjects.

 With the implementation of our accelerated reader program, our children have become assertive readers with a personal ownership of their reading material and progression. The availability of Ipads and online resources have given them a wide scope of material to choose from and pupils can extend their personal interest and learning without limit.

The implementation of the ‘Write from the start’ writing resources has resulted in much more confident writers who choose both vocabulary and grammar for effect in a structured and in turn exploratory way. Children are excited to write and experiment with language.